Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Back to the old grind....

Back in Connecticut I spent a lot of time around little kids, I babysat all of the time and I even taught Sunday school at my local church. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed spending time with children until I got to Bosnia and I never got to interact with them! Luckily though, that all changed today! Sarah (another YES Abroad exchange student) and I started teaching English at her host sister's elementary school this afternoon.

It was great! The kids range in age from 7 to about 11 so teaching them English is quite a task because for some of them its too easy and for other's its too hard, but hopefully we'll be able to customize the lessons going forward. I loved it so much and honestly I can't wait to go back next week.

The Teachers!


  1. Yay emma! Teach them chilluns!

  2. The thought of you as a teacher makes me ridiculously happy. I hope you're loving every minute. <3
