Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Great Debate

So the time has come to decide what I will bring with me to Bosnia and what I will leave behind. You may be thinking "But Emma! You don't leave until next Thursday! Why on you packing now?!" well friends let me answer that for you; I am such a terrible packer that I have to do begin the  process AT LEAST a week in advance, honestly I should have started sooner. The hardest part of the whole ordeal was just figuring out where to start. How does a person predict what they'll need for the next 10 months in a country they've never been to? Thankfully YES Abroad made us a basic packing list to work off of.

For anyone who thinks they might need some year abroad packing tips, let me lay down what little wisdom I have to offer on the subject.

1. Sort through all of your clothes, separate items into "Not Taking" and "Maybe Taking"
2. Store or donate the "Not Taking" pile somewhere
3. Take your "Maybe Taking" pile and divide it into two piles "Worn in the last year" and "Not worn in the last year"
4. Store things that you haven't worn in the last year, if you haven't worn it before you probably won't wear it while you're abroad
5. Look at your "Worn in the last year" pile and just keep dividing it up until you feel like you have just enough clothes to make it through all the seasons (if your destination has different seasons)

This is how my "Worn in the last year" pile started out

Thankfully it ended up nicely packed in the suitcase on the left

Now that I'm all packed, I'm off to spend some time with my family, on another note, ONLY 8 DAYS UNTIL I'M BOSNIA BOUND!

Happy Packing!

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