Friday, August 16, 2013

This Post is Not for the Faint of Heart

If things had gone according to plan today I would be in beautiful Sarajevo right now, but unfortunately, they did not. I woke up with nausea, aches, and a bit of swelling but I thought maybe it was just nerves over my departure date. (Yes, looking back I realize how silly that is, but give a girl a break.)

Anyway I decided to toughen up and not worry about it. The ride to the airport was early so everyone in the car was pretty quiet and I checked my bags at the terminal fairly quickly. Saying goodbye to my wonderful family was really hard but after a few tears I felt totally ready to embark on this awesome journey…well, that is, until my breakfast had a second coming in a trash can between Auntie Anne’s and Au Bon Pain. Things just kept going downhill from there but I won’t give you the gory details. I had a lot of trouble getting a hold of my parents because I had already given up my cell phone and my mom, who was at this point in the car on her way home, had a broken phone that could only receive texts not calls. And despite how technologically advanced the world is, pay phones do not come with a texting function. Luckily a guy in the terminal reluctantly gave me his phone so I could text my mom, then I called American Councils and they were very helpful. They told me to fly if I felt healthy enough, but not to put my well being in jeopardy. I felt really sick, but mostly I felt bad about not getting on the flights that YES Abroad had booked for me and I had no way of consulting with my parents, so I decided to just hope and pray that whatever was making me sick would go away soon, but at the very last second before boarding started my dad came through the terminal. We talked it over and I decided not to get on the plane. I called up American Councils and they were really friendly and understanding and rebooked me to fly to Sarajevo on Saturday. Words cannot express how awesome American Councils is, honestly they’re the best.

Once I got home I went to the doctor’s office and they said I would be safe to fly on Saturday as long as I came in for another check-up today and diligently took some anti-bacterial pills for the next two weeks. At first I was really bummed that I couldn’t fly to Sarajevo on my original flights with everyone else, but now I can understand that I was not in any shape to travel yesterday. So today I’m going to focus on getting better so tomorrow I can be Bosnia bound once again.

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