Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday in the Park

The past few days my Facebook news feed has been chock-full of my poor friends in Connecticut buried in the snow. Here in Bosnia on the other hand we've been enjoying one of the warmest winters on record, today it got up to 21 degrees Celsius or 69 degrees Fahrenheit, in the middle of February! Unprecedented. Sarah and I celebrated the lovely weather by  heading to Zenica, another city in Bosnia, with her host mother.

Zenica is the capital city of the Zenica-Doboj Canton (cantons are a long story, we'll just say its a state). It's a much smaller city than Sarajevo, but it makes up for it in character. Zenica is home to the stadium that national soccer team plays in, it has the largest Bosnian prison (think Alcatraz), and it has a wealth of greenery and parks that line of the banks of the River Bosne which is where Sarah and I spent our day.

We started off doing the normal teenage thing and exploring the nearby shopping center, but soon we got bored, bought ourselves a mini tub of ice cream and headed outside. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and we sat on the river banks for the rest of the afternoon. There's just nothing like a Sunday in the park.

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